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Flutter vs. React Native: Which One to Choose in 2024?

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July 25, 2024

The Evolution of Mobile Development Frameworks

Mobile development has undergone significant transformations over the years. Initially dominated by native app development, the landscape has shifted towards cross-platform solutions. Flutter and React Native are top choices for mobile app development, each with its own unique approach and philosophy.

From Native to Cross-Platform

The initial era of mobile app development was heavily reliant on native development. This meant building separate apps for iOS and Android, which required different skill sets and doubled the workload. The drawbacks of this approach, including higher costs and longer development times, paved the way for cross-platform solutions.

The Emergence of Cross-Platform Frameworks

Cross-platform frameworks like Xamarin and PhoneGap were among the first to address the need for a unified codebase. However, they had limitations in terms of performance and user experience. This gap led to the development of more advanced frameworks like Flutter and React Native. These frameworks offer nearly native performance and a more seamless user experience.

The Rise of Flutter and React Native

Flutter and React Native have quickly risen to prominence due to their robust performance and developer-friendly features. These frameworks have not only attracted startups but also established enterprises looking to streamline their development processes. Their growing popularity is a testament to their effectiveness in addressing the challenges of modern mobile app development.

Flutter: A Quick Overview

Flutter is a UI software development kit (SDK) created by Google. It lets developers make apps for mobile, web, and desktop using just one codebase. Since its initial release in 2017, Flutter has garnered a robust community and widespread adoption.

Flutter's Core Philosophy

Flutter aims to provide a cohesive development experience with a strong focus on performance and expressive UIs. Flutter makes sure apps run smoothly on all platforms by converting to native code and using its own rendering engine. This approach eliminates many of the performance bottlenecks associated with other cross-platform frameworks.

The Role of Dart in Flutter

Flutter uses Dart, a relatively young programming language that is designed for client-side development. Dart's syntax is easy to learn for developers familiar with JavaScript or Java, making the transition to Flutter smoother. Additionally, Dart's ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation contributes to Flutter's impressive performance.

Flutter's Growing Ecosystem

The Flutter ecosystem has expanded rapidly, with a wide range of plugins, packages, and tools available to developers. These resources make it easier to implement complex features without having to build everything from scratch. The active community continuously contributes to this ecosystem, ensuring that it remains vibrant and up-to-date.

Key Features of Flutter

  • Dart Programming Language: Flutter uses Dart, which offers a smooth learning curve for developers familiar with object-oriented programming.
  • Hot Reload lets developers see changes instantly without restarting the app, making development faster.
  • Rich Widgets: Flutter boasts a comprehensive set of customizable widgets, enabling highly flexible and expressive UIs.

Dart Programming Language

Flutter's choice of Dart as its primary language offers several advantages. Dart developers design it for client-side development and it offers a rich set of features that make it ideal for building complex UIs. Its strong typing system and AOT compilation result in fewer runtime errors and better performance.

Hot Reload

One of Flutter's standout features is its Hot Reload capability. This allows developers to instantly see the results of code changes, making the development process more interactive and efficient. This feature is particularly useful for tweaking UI elements and fixing bugs on the fly, drastically reducing development time.

Rich Widgets

Flutter stands out from other platforms because of its wide range of widgets. Users can customize and combine these widgets in various ways to create complex user interfaces.

Flutter is unique because it offers a variety of widgets. Users can customize and combine these widgets to create complex user interfaces.

Flutter focuses on widgets, making it easy to incorporate platform-specific features. This ensures a native look and feel on both iOS and Android.

React Native: A Quick Overview

React Native is an open-source framework created by Facebook. It allows developers to build mobile apps using JavaScript and React. Since its launch in 2015, React Native has become a popular option for building apps that work on multiple platforms.

React Native's Core Philosophy

React Native helps web developers easily transition to mobile development by using the React library and JavaScript. Its focus on code reusability and developer productivity has made it a popular choice for many development teams.

The Power of JavaScript and React

JavaScript is a popular programming language and React is a strong tool for creating user interfaces. React Native combines these strengths to offer a robust framework for mobile development. This synergy allows developers to create dynamic and responsive UIs with minimal effort.

React Native's Expanding Ecosystem

The React Native ecosystem is rich with libraries, tools, and community contributions. Developers can use tools like Redux for state management and React Navigation for navigation, providing a variety of resources. This extensive ecosystem ensures that React Native remains a versatile and powerful framework for mobile development.

Key Features of React Native

  • React Native uses JavaScript and the React library, making it easy for web developers to switch to mobile development.
  • Live Reload: Similar to Flutter's Hot Reload, React Native's Live Reload feature allows developers to see the changes instantly.
  • React Native can use native modules to improve performance and access native features for better functionality.

JavaScript and React

JavaScript's ubiquity and React's component-based architecture make React Native highly accessible. Developers familiar with web development can quickly adapt to React Native, leveraging their existing skills. This ease of transition is a significant advantage, especially for teams with a strong web development background.

Live Reload

React Native's Live Reload feature enhances the development experience by allowing developers to see changes in real-time. This feature is particularly useful for rapid prototyping and iterative development. By minimizing the feedback loop, Live Reload helps developers maintain their productivity and momentum.

Native Modules

React Native's support for native modules allows developers to extend the framework's capabilities. By writing custom modules in native code, developers can optimize performance and access platform-specific features. React Native is versatile. It can be used for a variety of applications. These applications range from basic prototypes to advanced, high-performance apps.

Performance Comparison

Performance is a critical factor when choosing a mobile development framework. Let's compare Flutter and React Native on this front.

Flutter's Performance

Flutter offers near-native performance due to its compiled nature. It uses the Skia graphics library to render UI, which contributes to its high performance. Also, Dart language is compiled to native code, removing the need for a JavaScript bridge and reducing overhead.

Skia Graphics Library

The Skia graphics library is a cornerstone of Flutter's performance. By handling all the rendering tasks, Skia ensures that Flutter apps deliver smooth and consistent UIs. This approach also allows Flutter to achieve high frame rates, making animations and transitions appear fluid and responsive.

Dart's AOT Compilation

Dart's ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation is another factor contributing to Flutter's performance. By converting Dart code into native machine code before execution, Flutter eliminates the overhead associated with just-in-time (JIT) compilation. This results in faster startup times and more efficient runtime performance.

React Native's Performance

React Native, while highly efficient, relies on a JavaScript bridge to communicate between the native and React components. This can introduce some latency, particularly in complex applications. However, React Native has made significant strides in improving performance with the introduction of the Hermes JavaScript engine.

The JavaScript Bridge

The JavaScript bridge is a key component of React Native's architecture. It facilitates communication between the JavaScript code and native components. While this approach offers flexibility, it can also introduce latency, especially in applications with complex interactions or heavy computational requirements.

Hermes JavaScript Engine

The Hermes JavaScript engine is a significant enhancement for React Native. Designed to optimize startup times and reduce memory usage, Hermes improves the overall performance of React Native apps. By minimizing the overhead of the JavaScript bridge, Hermes enables React Native to deliver more responsive and efficient applications.

Development Experience

The development experience is another crucial aspect to consider.

Flutter's Development Experience

Flutter's development experience is often lauded for its simplicity and speed. The Hot Reload feature, along with comprehensive documentation and a strong community, makes it an attractive option for developers. Additionally, Flutter's widget-based architecture allows for highly customizable and expressive UIs.

Ease of Use

Flutter's well-documented APIs and intuitive architecture make it easy for developers to get started. The framework's focus on simplicity and developer productivity is evident in its design. From setting up the development environment to deploying the final app, Flutter provides a streamlined and efficient workflow.

Community Support

The Flutter community is highly active and supportive. Developers can find a wealth of tutorials, forums, and GitHub repositories to help them overcome challenges. This strong community presence not only accelerates problem-solving but also fosters a collaborative spirit among developers.

UI Customization

Flutter's widget-based architecture offers unparalleled flexibility in UI customization. Developers can create complex and visually stunning UIs by combining and customizing widgets. This modular approach also makes it easier to maintain and update the UI, ensuring that the app remains visually appealing and up-to-date.

React Native's Development Experience

React Native offers a familiar environment for web developers, thanks to its use of JavaScript and React. The Live Reload feature and extensive community support contribute to a positive development experience. However, the need for native module integration in some cases can add complexity.

Familiarity for Web Developers

For web developers, transitioning to React Native is relatively straightforward. The framework's reliance on JavaScript and React means that developers can leverage their existing knowledge and skills. This familiarity reduces the learning curve and allows teams to hit the ground running.

Tooling and Libraries

React Native benefits from a rich ecosystem of tools and libraries. From debugging tools like Reactotron to state management libraries like MobX, developers have access to a comprehensive set of resources. This extensive tooling ecosystem enhances the development experience and simplifies the implementation of complex features.

Integration with Native Modules

While React Native's support for native modules adds flexibility, it can also introduce complexity. Developers may need to write custom native code to access certain platform-specific features or optimize performance. This requirement can slow down development and increase the learning curve for developers unfamiliar with native code.


Choosing between Flutter and React Native in 2024 depends on your needs and resources. Flutter offers a comprehensive widget library, Dart programming language, and high performance through AOT compilation and the Skia graphics library, making it ideal for those prioritizing UI customization and performance. React Native, on the other hand, is great for web developers due to its use of JavaScript and React. Its rich ecosystem and Live Reload feature, along with the Hermes JavaScript engine, make it a strong option for a variety of applications.

Ultimately, both frameworks can deliver exceptional mobile app experiences. To help you navigate these choices and ensure the best fit for your project, Burning Bros offers expert IT outsourcing and staffing solutions in Vietnam. Feel free to reach out for more insights.